Outstanding Poster Presentation Award 2022

The Outstanding Poster Award has been established in 2015, to highlight good quality posters presented at the Advances in Functional Materials (AFM) conferences.

AFM aims at setting a platform for all the budding scientists and researchers to present their real-time work and share their views and aspects related to the theme of the conference.
The goal of this poster award is to encourage the clear communication of scientific content also to non-specialists of the presented topic. The evaluation emphasizes will put on the attractiveness of the graphic representation and clarity of the text. Only posters that satisfy the communication criteria will take into consideration for the evaluation from a scientific point of view by the scientific committee at AFM conference 2022 at Centennial Hall of Kyushu University. Kyushu, Japan.

Communication Criteria

  • Attractive graphical representation
  • Appropriate and Relevant Content
  • The poster should be a balance of text, figures, and space
  • Intuitive structure

Scientific aspects:

  • Scientific quality
  • Potential impacts of the results
  • Innovativeness of the approach
  • Accuracy of Information Presented

The author(s) receive a certificate and one registration fee waiver for the AFM conference in the following year, and the posters will be highlighted on the AFM website
A selection committee of three senior scientists will establish during the AFM-2022 conference.

To be considered for the competition, poster-presenting delegates should email a PDF file of their poster to afm2022@functionalmaterials.org by 15 April 2022.

AFM Young Scientist (YSA) Award:

As a way to encourage young scientists in the fields of functional materials, the organizing committee of AFM has started AFM Young Scientist Award (YSA) in 2018 at its event in Nanjing China. To qualify applications for the YSA, the applicant must be under 40 years of age on April 15, 2022, and the first author as well as the presenting author of a paper submitted for oral presentation at AFM, 2022, Centennial Hall of Kyushu University. Kyushu, Japan. The AFM 2022 Kyushu, Japan Young Scientist Program Committee will select awardees after peer-review of the applications.

Nomination Procedure

A prominent or senior scientist working in the field of functional materials at internationally recognized and established institutions can nominate a nominee for the award (one nomination per person). The letter of recommendation should be submitted to AFM committee through email:afm2022@functionalmaterials.org


  • The candidates must satisfy the following criteria:
  • Candidates must be eminent, dynamic researchers, and must be recognized as emerging leaders in the field of functional materials, with a distinguished record of achievement of original contributions in the materials-related fields.
  • Candidates must have published extensively in high impact factor peer-reviewed journals (showing good citation index results).
  • Candidate must be engaged or involved in innovative and cutting-edge research. Candidates involved in the creation of a patented candidate and / or a high-tech company resulting from the work would be greatly advantaged for this award.


  1. Candidate can only receive the prize once and will not eligible for this again.
  2. The winner needs to attend the AFM conference personally to receive this award.
  3. The winning candidate will deliver the “AFM-YSA Lecture” at the AFM-2022 conference at Centennial Hall of Kyushu University. Kyushu, Japan.
  4. The candidates for the award must be of maximum of 40 years of age.

Selection Process

The member’s AFM organizing committee will review the applications (candidate’s CV and recommendation letters) and select one researcher for this prestigious award.

Award Nature

The prize will be composed of the following:

  1. A Certificate
  2. Cash Reward
  3. Free Registrations for AFM next year Conference

Deadline For Nominations For 2022

The deadline for nomination submissions for the YSA award is 15 April 2022.
Late nominations will not be considered